Morganite - A Stone of Divine Love
Morganite, a close relative of emerald and aquamarine, is a rare gemstone that features varying shades of pink – from pale blush to rose, peach, and salmon. This stunning stone is also known as vorobevite or rose beryl and can be found in mineral deposits in Brazil, Mozambique, Namibia, Afghanistan, and Russia. It was first discovered in the soils of Madagascar in 1910 and named the following year by George F. Kunz in honor of J.P. Morgan, a renowned banker and gem enthusiast.
With its demure, pinkish hues, Morganite is perfect as the centerpiece of any woman's jewelry collection. While it flew under the radar for decades, the 21st century has seen a rise in its popularity and value, particularly as an engagement ring stone due to its affordability compared to diamonds.
Discover the power of Morganite and its ability to evoke feelings of divine love and compassion.
Morganite's gentle and feminine color exudes elegance and grace. The stone's pleochroism makes it appear to have various hues depending on the angle it is viewed from. The saturation of the stone is influenced by the amount of mineral inclusion in the crystal, with a higher content of manganese or cesium yielding a more valuable, saturated pink morganite.
While pink and rose-tinted morganites are highly desirable, peach and salmon shades are becoming increasingly popular, especially with the rising trend of peach in the fashion and jewelry industries.
Morganite is known as a stone of divine love, representing unconditional love and attracting peace, joy, and inner strength. It elevates your glamour, personality, and attraction without a word. Whether you wear it as an engagement ring or a statement piece, morganite is a gemstone that radiates beauty and love.