Accessorize Him Up to Be the Coolest Dad in the World
"To all the devoted fathers out there, thank you for your love, patience and sacrifice. It's not always an easy road, but eventually us kids grow up and realize how important your love was to our development and character. Thanks for being our heroes. Happy Father's Day!"
-- Kelsey Gast
Father’s day is a special day in a year to express your appreciation to your beloved dad, and each country celebrates this special event on various dates.
There are 52 countries and regions in the world celebrating father’s day on the third Sunday of each June. With the rise of globalization, father’s day gets increasingly more attention worldwide.
The origin of Father’s day
The debut of father’s day was in 1910 in the US to celebrate fathers and fatherhood as its counterpart of mother’s day. With the organization and assitance by Sonora Smart Dodd, the first father’s day was celebrated in Washington 1910.
Sonora Smart Dodd from Arkansa, honoring her father, a civil war veteral, Willian Jackson Smart, after hearing a sermon about Mother’s day at a church in 1909, she told her pastor that they should honor and express appreciation to fathers on a special day just like mother’s day does. She suggested father’s day to be set and celebrated on 5th June first, on her father’s birthday, but there was not enough time to make preparation for this event, consequently the celebration of the very first father’s day took a rain check, and confirmed on the third Sunday in June eventually, which also established as a state holiday to celebrate father’s day. Since then father’s day was celebrated in other states of the US and countries around the world after years of evolution and development.
Who Would Refuse to Have A Cool Dad?
So, make him the most handsome man in the world and gain confidence & energy from the very piece of meaningful jewelry of your pick.
Showing AWNL Ancient Protection Bracelet
Traditionally, family gathering is the most meaningful way to celebrate on father's day, as a popular saying goes viral online - the best father’s day gift is just to accompany him. Some may choose to prepare an exquisite breakfast for their father, some may prepare a loving photo album - cherishing those happy moments they shared together. However, not all of us have that plenty of time. But just because we haven't got the time doesn't mean we don't love our dad or cannot give him a great suprise.
AWNL's hint - how about gift-giving a piece of stylish jewellery to accessorize him up to be the coolest dad in the whole world.
At AWNL, we offer talisman jewellery with a modern touch in Nordic design. Made in combination of Swedish meteorite, natural gemstones and S925 silver, our jewellery styles your dad up with extra magical blessings from the nature.
Showing AWNL Meteorite Bracelet with Nuummite
A meteorite, namely a shooting star, is believed to possess power to make dream come ture. People are eager to make wishes once seeing shooting stars, since it is widely convinced that the gods will be looking down on us when the star falls. AWNL follows this idea and decides to blend the rare material into our design.
Showing AWNL Meteorite Cross Necklace
Meanwhile, meteorite is a gift from the outer space, unique and one-of-kind just like fathers’ love to us kids, it is also a token of love, traveling through space and time only for us. This just like the father’s love, unconditional and quiet in the dark protecting us no matter what.
Showing AWNL Vagabond Bracelet
Our talisman jewellery with energy healing releases steady vibrations that creates balance and squeezes Zen into the dimension surrounding us. It is the very reason that energy jewellery has always been a significance and an undetachable part of our brand concept for years. And this also makes us an ideal gift to your dad, whose spiritual wellness is a great concern to us all.
Gift him his first piece of AWNL, and you can tell what was the best year of your father's life because he would follow your styling taste and ride it out.